Los mejores consejos y técnicas para pulir sus habilidades en carpintería

Los mejores consejos y técnicas para pulir sus habilidades en carpintería


Cuando yo era un niño, mi abuelo tenía un taller en su sótano. Él nos proporcionaría madera., herramientas y hardware y crearíamos una gran variedad de manualidades imaginativas.. Si has crecido con el amor por la carpintería, Los siguientes consejos te ayudarán a dominar tu oficio..

Puedes usar cinta adhesiva para atrapar el exceso de pegamento.. Si desea evitar que las manchas de pegamento rezuman a lo largo de las juntas, Intente sujetar las piezas sin usar pegamento.. Acabas de poner cinta adhesiva en tu porro., y luego córtelo con una cuchilla afilada. Separa tus piezas, y luego aplicar pegamento. Después, sujetarlos entre sí de nuevo. El pegamento rezumará sobre la cinta en lugar de sobre la madera.. Puedes quitar la cinta antes de que se seque el pegamento..

Familiarízate con las herramientas que vas a utilizar. This is a very important tip for the beginner, but even more advanced woodworkers can benefit from it too. Lay out the tools and make sure that you know the workings of each one. If you’ve got a brand new tool to you, spend the time that you need with it.

Before using any new tool, do your research on it in full. New tools can mean serious injuries for those that use them incorrectly. Even if you’re pretty sure of how to use it, don’t risk it. Study up via the web and books related to the tool in question.

Try using duct tape to create a level spot. If you’ve used your table saw on a base that’s mobile, you should be able to easily pull it in and out. To really finish it up, find a level spot on your floor. Esto también le ayuda a cortar tablas sin obstrucciones.. Marque las posiciones de sus ruedas con cinta adhesiva de colores brillantes., y luego haga rodar la sierra hasta ese mismo punto plano cada vez que necesite serrar.

Conozca todo sobre la madera que va a adquirir antes de comprarla., especialmente si planeas teñirlo. Madera designada como “grado de pintura” es de menor calidad y no apto para teñir. También, El aglomerado y el enchapado serán mucho más diferentes.. La chapa no absorberá muchas manchas, mientras que el tablero de partículas absorberá demasiadas.. Obtener el tipo de madera correcto le ayudará a estar seguro de que puede esperar buenos resultados..

Asegúrese de usar el equipo de protección adecuado cuando trabaje en sus proyectos de carpintería.. Tu seguridad es de primordial importancia.. Eye protection can protect your eyes from flying wood debris. A pair of strong gloves can protect your hand from splinters. Make sure that you have these essentials before you start on any projects.

Plan out your project and go over it a few times before you start. This will help prevent you from making mistakes that will ruin your project. You do not want to start it all over again, so plan it out well before you cut, screw or nail anything together.

When applying stain, work in a well-lit and well-ventilated area. When you make sure your project is under the strongest light in your work area, you more easily spot drips, runs and any spots you missed. Ventilation is also important to protect your health, and even on small projects, strong fumes can affect you by making you feel sick or giving you a headache.

Always check your tools before you begin using them. Woodworking with a faulty or overused tool can easily lead to a serious injury or destruction of your materials. To make sure that this does not happen to you take the time to thoroughly inspect your tools from top to bottom.

Never allow someone to watch while you are woodworking without wearing the same gear that you are wearing. Being anywhere near the tools is a hazard, even if they are not using them. Wood or parts of the tool could fly into the air and strike them just as they could you.

Only cut using sharp tools. Older and dull tools result in tear-outs and even chipping, which is frustrating and a waste of time. Sharp tools means you get clean cuts quickly. You’ll also spend a lot less time sanding things to get just the right look and fit that you need.

If you are new to woodworking, you should familiarize yourself with the different types of wood that are available. Different woods have different uses and some require special tools. The more you know about the wood you will be working with, the more comfortable you will be when you begin your project.

Sanding blocks are essential woodworking tools. You can create easy to reuse sanding blocks of your very own by simply cutting three-quarter-inch scrap lumber into rectangles measuring 4.75 x 4.50 inches. Cut pieces of cork tile to fit each block. Spray both the rectangle of wood and the rectangle of cork tile with adhesive and press them together. Allow to dry, then spray the backside of an entire sheet of sandpaper with adhesive. Place your newly made block on the sandpaper with the cork on the down-side. Allow to dry and then use a utility knife to cut the sandpaper around each block.

Attached a small magnet to the bottom of your hammer’s handle to hold several nails when working above your head or on a ladder. This simple technique allows you to keep your nails handy and avoid climbing up and down the ladder when you are working above your head.

Learn about the different type of wood and their characteristics. This will help you choose the right wood for your projects. Por ejemplo, pine is a popular choice for common wood projects and furniture, but you have to be aware of the knots that can sometimes affect your cutting. A wood like maple has a smoother grain and less knots.

If you can take your love of working with wood and pass it on to your kids, you will imbue them with skills that last a lifetime. Use these tips to give them the right advice when it comes to completing their projects. That will ensure that they are able to keep this hobby going well into adulthood.




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