3 치아 경화 밴드 톱날 소개 및 설명의 종류

치아 경화 밴드 톱날

Teeth Hardened Band Saw Blade
치아 경화 밴드 톱날
Teeth Hardened Band Saw Blade
치아 경화 밴드 톱날


Teeth Hardened Band Saw Blade
치아 경화 밴드 톱날

The tooth tip has been processed by secondary heat treatment, 경도가 훨씬 더 강한, 일반 톱날보다 날카로움과 내마모성, 모든 종류의 목재에 적합합니다..

1. 수직의: CNC 톱날, 기존의 수직

1.1 CNC 톱날:
기존 피치: 8.46/10/12/12.7mm
Conventional thickness: 0.7/0.8mm
Common widths are: 13mm, 16mm, 20mm
The length can be customized according to customer requirements! Used for dining chair armrests, chair backs, 등. to make all curved bending materials.

1.2 Conventional vertical:
정점: 6.35/8/10/12/12.7
두께: 0.56/0.65/0.7/0.8mm
너비: 10-40mm (curve within 20mm)
The length can be customized according to customer requirements.

2. Conventional horizontal

치아 피치: 22mm
두께: 0.9/1.05/1.1mm
너비: 27/32/34/38/40/50mm
The length can be customized according to customer requirements!

3. Food saws, processed meat bones, 등.

치아 피치: 3TPI/4TPI
두께: 0.56mm
너비: 16/19mm
The length can be customized according to customer requirements!


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